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The portfolio is an important factor for any website company. All things depend on your work portfolio. Portfolio basically your work represents to your client and customer are you belong to IT Company and you want to create an awesome portfolio for your IT Company website. So this is the best blog for you. Here we are discussing all the best tips for you. A web portfolio website is a website that you build to showcase your web development projects and skills to impress potential employers or clients.

Keep it Simple –

First thinks to keep your website portfolio simple and clean do not create complications on your website. Your website navigation, scroll bar, color combination & pages divided category should be simple and slower for online users. If you want visitors to press a button or fill out a form, don’t make them scroll to find it. Make it easy to find, and use your site’s navigation. The user wants always a simple and clean portfolio.

Categories your portfolio –

Always categorize your portfolio according to your services, like if you provide web development, web designing, mobile development, and internet marketing. Categories all the filed in your website header. Suppose your first category is web development. Only put your web development-related word in this category with quality work. Don’t share web designing or other category-related work here. It’s creating more complications on-site for online users.

Upload Quality work –

Only upload your quality and best work on your portfolio. suppose your portfolio category is web designing related, so present here high-quality web design. Responsive web design and custom web designing .and put short content and client requirement about particular web design, for web designing also put zoom-in and zoom off option. If the client appreciated a particular project or web design so here are those things you can share. Also, insert a live project link on your portfolio with a screenshot.

Live example on a portfolio –

Both are the different things screenshot and live project. Most online users prefer the live examples of the website project. And it’s good because with a live project we can judge all the parameters of a website like a website design, layout, theme, internal pages, and about website. So carefully insert your live project. Keep some things in mind. Attractive presentation, check it broken link on a portfolio, brief information about your project and client

Use pagination on a portfolio –

At least present your 10+ live projects in each section with pagination. pagination is the important thing for portfolio and blog. Pagination show how many pages in the blog and portfolio.
And also check your portfolio loading speed because the portfolio included many images and screen shorts. Pages speed is very slow so focus on this point mainly and other points are also important for a perfect website portfolio. In the future, you will create a website portfolio so keep all the points in mind because it’s the main part of the whole website. All things depend on your work and presentation.