Python VS Node.js: How to Choose the best Technology to Develop Your Web Application?

Python and Node.js are the most popular technologies for back-end development. These two are the most compared backend technologies on the internet! As both of them are very popular to use for Web Application Development, we are going to go into a bit of detail about Python vs Node js. 

What is Python?

Python is a high-level and “general-purpose programming” language. Python’s design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its use of significant indentation. It supports multiple programming patterns, object-oriented programming, functional programming, or even procedural styles. Moreover, it’s an “interpreted language”, which means that it can’t convert to computer-readable code before it runs.

What is Node.js?

Node.js is a server-side platform that is built on Google Chrome’s JavaScript Engine. It uses an “Event-Driven I/O model. Node.js allows developers to create data-intensive applications that run across distributed devices. The applications are written in JavaScript. However, it can be run on Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux operating systems. It is extensively used to run real-time servers.

Features of Python

  • It provides interfaces to all major commercial databases.
  • Allows low-level modules inclusion in the Python interpreter. It allows programmers to customize or even add to their tools.
  • It can be integrated with Java, ActiveX, C, C++, COM, and CORBA.
  • It offers high-level dynamic data types and supports dynamic type checking.
  • It supports structured and functional programming methods, as well as Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).

Features of Node.js

  • It’s built on V8 JavaScript Engine, making it the fastest code execution library.
  • Uses a single-threaded model with event looping. This event mechanism benefits the server making it respond in a “non-blocking” way.
  • No buffering in Node.js, as the applications output the data in pieces.

Python Vs. Node.js


  • Python is not exactly the best option for asynchronous programming.
  • The biggest advantage of using Python is that developers have to write fewer lines of code.
  • Ideal for a large project, as it can do anything that can be done using PHP code.
  • Not an ideal platform to deal with real-time Web Applications. (Node.js is!)
  • Python is enhanced for developing larger projects.
  • Not preferable for memory-intensive activities.
  • Python is an ideal platform to do multiple things such as Web Applications, numerical computations, integration with back-end applications, network programming, and machine learning.
  • Python uses “PyPy” as an interpreter.
  • It supports generators, therefore making it much simpler.


  • Node.js supports callback. Its programming is based on events/callback that makes it process Faster.
  • Node.js uses a JavaScript interpreter.
  • Node.js is a better choice for web apps and website development.
  • Best for memory-intensive activities.
  • Best suited for small projects to enable functionality, which doesn’t need a lot of scripting.
  • Node.js is an ideal platform available right now to deal with “real-time web applications.”
  • Node.js is deficient in clean coding standards, that is why it is not recommended for larger projects.
  • Node.js is PURE JavaScript, so the basics are simpler to learn for developers.

When Should You Use Python?

Python has open-source data analysis tools, web frameworks, and testing instruments. Consequently, its environment is one of the largest of any programming community. Python is the most accessible language for new programmers, as the community provides many introductory resources. 

Also, Python features stability, ease, and consistency of use. It is highly recommended for developing big data solutions, scientific applications, and government projects.

When Should You Use Node.js?

Node.js is a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime. It helps develop building scalable network applications. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which makes it an ideal option for developing real-time data-intensive applications.

Node.js offers greater performance and speed. It is an ideal solution for developing messaging or chatting applications. It is also useful for developing heavy-load applications and E-commerce sites that depend on the speed of processing. 


It can be a tough decision when deciding if you want to use Python or Node js. It can be very overwhelming when looking at the benefits and features of both. Firstly, it would be very beneficial to know the end outcome of your product. Then I would recommend listing all of the features of your product and listing your plans on how you will engineer them. 

If you still have any questions or are still indecisive about which one to pick? Be sure to visit our website or Contact Us. At Lemosys, we work with clients all over the world and will absolutely be honored to help in any way that will benefit you or your company.