On-Page SEO Checklist

How to Optimize for Search Engines


The best writers understand the power of a good title. It’s at the top of our on page SEO checklist and is critical for attracting the user’s attention and increasing the page CTR.


Before anything else, your URL should be quick and clear (please avoid weird number and random letter combinations!).

Meta Description

A well-written meta description can help you to stand out on SERPs and appeal to people browsing through the results page. A poorly written meta description can lead to people glossing over your result and choosing something better on the SERP.

Keywords Research

This does two things: First, it affirms to the searcher that this page is in fact related to what they were searching for, and secondly, it sends the same positive message to Google, which can help your page’s ranking.

Header tags (H1 to H6)

One of the easiest and most common methods is to use clear headings to break up sections of your text with a nested hierarchy system. <h1></h1>,<h2></h2>,<h3></h3>,<h4></h4>,<h5></h5>,<h6></h6>.   

Internal Linking

In case you don’t have time to dive deep into link building, internal linking may be a good place to start helping your pages get found.

Duplicate Content

Our SEO Mistakes Study found that over 45% of websites had some pages with duplicate content, and 50% of websites had duplicate titles. This won’t give you a penalty, but it is a signal to search engines that your website has little to no value for your readers – something they won’t appreciate.

Page Loading Speed

In SEO, page load speed plays a crucial role. It’s not even a second – it’s a millisecond delay that can force a user to close your article and go to another website.