Bitcoin- A New Payment Gateway to Transfer Payment with Your Web Portal

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Say no to the heavy tax charges applied to the services and products offered by you online. Maybe you are one such online business owner who makes use of online payment systems including PayPal, MasterCard & Bitcoin for money transfer electronically. But, do you know that nowadays different online payment services also come into play that not only transfer your fund electronically from your web portal but also impose less security and tax charges on you? The most resourceful online payment gateway that is proven to be effective for your online business or web portal is Bitcoin.

What is Bitcoin Payment Gateway?

The bitcoin payment gateway uses the digital money notion and provides your business with the option that can make easy payments online for the products sold by you in a faster way and with a fewer commission charge. For say, you can integrate Bitcoin services to your website and let people from anywhere in the world shop with your business without the headache of having the currency of a particular country. This is the actual point of how Bitcoin supports your business and increases your sale. The reason behind so is very simple. In Bitcoin payment service, the fund gets collected in a peer-to-peer network and thus, transferred.

Agenda of Bitcoin Payment Gateway –

Bitcoin payment gateway follows certain criteria to transfer money online for buying and selling of the product which involves-

  1. You have to write down a transaction in a public ledger when you transfer money from your online notecase to another person.
  2. Other people using the service of Bitcoin can watch the public ledger (online money storage account) and have its own copies. This means that everyone knows about the amount that each online wallet has.
  3. Since Bitcoin has no revelation of the user’s identity (due to cryptography), people don’t know about the owner of the particular online wallet.

Benefits Gained from Bitcoin payment gateway

If you make use of Bitcoin, you can gain advantages in many of the ways –

  1. Access to online mobile payment with security anywhere in the world.
  2. Best economical and technological alternative to online money transfer.
  3. No more heavy transaction costs or taxes charged by government organizations.
  4. User anonymity is highly supported by Bitcoin which is why its purchases are discrete.
  5. 100% irreversible payment method that cannot be charged backed, if processed once.

Once you understand what Bitcoin is? And, how is it helping online businesses to make money? It is no doubt that you also want to get benefits from it. If you explore the ideal Bitcoin service provider, then turn your head to Lemosys Infotech- Lemosys is the Best Website Development Company in India and the Number one service provider of Bitcoin payment gateway.

Lemosys is offering the service of integration of reliable Bitcoin services to your e-commerce portal or e-store developed in any of the e-commerce platforms such as Magento, Shopify, Drupal, Joomla, and WordPress too in a few minutes. This assists you to access online payment from anyone, anywhere across the world.